Thursday, December 27, 2012

Marriage - A quick mini-outlook


Within you-both always have countless smiles;
And together step into your future marriage miles.

'Be with' your joyous moment;
while behold and face the sorrows with potent.

I heart fully wish your togetherness grand; 
while your married life is in each other's hand.

                                                       - Advaitan

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Like NATURE exploited by SCIENCE,
and PEACE bothered by VIOLENCE!

like LOVE thrashed by HATRED,
and GENEROSITY bantered by GREED!

like TRUTH engulfed by IGNORANCE,
and NOBLENESS pinpointed by ARROGANCE!!

like THEISM baffled by ATHEISM,
and KINDNESS attacked by ANIMALISM!!

Likewise, FEMININE is being offended by MASCULINE,
But.. all this only till the former loses tolerance or shine!!

                                                                                            - Advaitan lore