Thursday, February 16, 2012

Are YOU selfish? Time to introspect :)

One thing I would like to point is about being selfish! 

I, Me, Myself = Selfish
Yes, as you rightly pointed out, everyone is selfish. No one can exist here without being selfish. But the question is the "degree and direction" of that quality. Most people's selfishness is directed towards themselves and is very strong (which is called GREED). It's the reverse with their locality. But in reality, one should be lesser selfish about him/her and more selfish (caring, kindness and like) about the society around.

Even she is selfish!! Selfish that EVERY-one should be hale and healthy

Many of us, either consciously or subconsciously, are selfish for money, power, sex and name (and other likes and dislikes). As long as we don't realize that, we wont be in a position to perform actions a little selflessly and for the well fare of all - ourselves, family and society. 

The following lines may change your life style if you read through your heart:

Defining "being good or dharmic" is easy as per me but difficult to be unless we practice it regularly. Human life is an enormous opportunity and possibility to explore, explode and evolve from within. It is THE gateway for other dimensions that many great people, saints and sadhus talk about. Though it can be attained in two ways, 
  • from living a peaceful 'live and let live' policy and 
  • in an occult/tantric manner. 
As normal people, we can take the first option alone.

So, in our day to day life, every moment if you can spend if wholly conscious about "WHO YOU ACTUALLY ARE - Are you mind? or Are you body? or Are you just energy(or soul) vibrating at your own unique frequency?", and take decisions that go with no attachments (likes or dislikes play with us as long as we do not realize who we are.) but with the reality (that which you think is appropriate by considering all the factors in that particular situation and your priorities, in which case you should be ready to do all sort of things from killing to dying to eating veg or non-veg (Have you heard of the story where a brahmin in dying state consumes non-veg and wine donated by a shudra?). In the context of appropriateness, there is no question of what is good or what is bad! Just life in its wildest and free form), then you are on the right path. No book or person can say how one should behave in a given situation. It's up to the person to use his own discretion to move ahead.

This state can be achieved easily only through small steps and if you have a good Guru. Else, you would struggle a lot with confusions and thus will lack clarity and thus confidence. You will understand the intricacies of life but will be late in your evolution spiritually, if you do not have ONE. He acts like a road map.