Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Some facts about Indology

Guys, please **understand** these facts before commenting..

1) Hinduism is *the* OLDEST living religion. Also it is the most flexible religion where people can connect to the GOD in any given thing, be it living or non-living. We are the only people having full liberty to worship trees, stones, sky, water, fire, space, earth, animals and what not. This idea is to make people see and enjoy the Divine creation in each and every atom of this entire Universe and thus place them as close as possible to Him.

2) It was *a scientific way of living 5000+ yrs ago* people of this Indus Valley followed in their day-to-day life. 

This video clearly shows the timeline and spread of various other religions.

3) And *the Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharat are the written form* of this scientific way of *living happily and liberation* in different family, social, economical, geographical and then most importantly enable us to look inwards.

4) Solutions to *any sort of a problem* those of which require managing the external conditions and those of the Self can be found in these epics in the order of the four Vedas, Upanishads and the Mahabharat.

5) The Mahabharat is the *super set of all the solutions* that can ever exist. It is said to have as many as 1,00,000 slokas and 10,000 characters in it ranging from the least charactered Sakuni to the greatest possible being Sri Krishna

and eventually unfolds itself to establish peace over the land.

6) Out of these 1,00,000 slokas, 700 slokas constitute the Bhagavad Gita - the heart and soul of our culture - in its *most distilled form*. Many eminant people tried to explain it subjectively but there is always some room unexplored. 

That is the density of knowledge present in it.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Facts about Mobile Usage and Market Growth

Illustrated by a simple image file made from observations and predictions by BBC, Gartner, The Hindu and others. As recent as 2011.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Moment of disappointment and despair

 Disappointed by "what has happened to Splendour" after 11+ years of successful and fulfilling life time it had.
- "Of the Splendid, I am the Splendour" -- Gita X:36

It's been a very disheartening and disappointing moment for me and my family when we came to know that one of my best hailed and respected magazine "Splendour - by The Alpha Foundation, Hyderabad" announced it's September-onwards discontinuing news and returned the extra amount of Rs. 607/- which is part of the early payment made for 3 yrs (I believe). This reminded me of a typical saying about great beings -- "Great people(and organizations) live and die alike".

 I still remember those days, in which it can be subscribed freely within India and US (except a nominal postal charges) for about as much as an year, and later continued for some small price if found good. Even today, you wont believe it that it costs only Rs. 20/- per copy.

I first saw this monthly journal in our B.Tech college library. Later on, we started to subscribe for it. It is a very simple looking but dynamic, multi-religious monthly digest with a whole lot of spiritual and value filled content. Each edition has a good cover picture drawn by some Indian Artist like those of the Chatrapati Sivaji, Samartha Ramdas, Jesus etc. Apart from these, the other side of the cover, and the two sides of the back cover also had some majestic paintings of someone or the other except for the back cover which only have Krishna's picture either of or about His childhood, eating butter(venna), playing with fellow gopabalas or gopikas (raasalila), or those with Mother Yasoda or some asura-samharam

This started off with a prayer to Goddess Saraswathi and a small one or two page content dedicated for improvising on the Sanskrit literature. The articles follow there on. They are very timely and apt for any Indian festival. Almost every page has a quote from the Gita, Quran, Bible, Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Ramana Maharshi, Adi Sankara, Aurabindo, Mother, Chanakya or some western philosopher.

People should encourage such journals as they are the true value we all can give to the next generations - not money or fame! Values alone can make the next generations more human and sensitive. Hoping that this journal would come back to life sometime. Till then will keep clicking and looking for www.splendourindia.org.

Monday, October 31, 2011

If you could explain homeopathy, the WHOLE of Physics and Chemistry have to be rewritten!!

That's homeopathy for you!! :)

MADELEINE Ennis, a pharmacologist at Queen's University, Belfast, was the scourge of homeopathy. She railed against its claims that a chemical remedy could be diluted to the point where a sample was unlikely to contain a single molecule of anything but water, and yet still have a healing effect. Until, that is, she set out to prove once and for all that homeopathy was bunkum. In her most recent paper, Ennis describes how her team looked at the effects of ultra-dilute solutions of histamine on human white blood cells involved in inflammation. These "basophils" release histamine when the cells are under attack. Once released, the histamine stops them releasing any more. The study, replicated in four different labs, found that homeopathic solutions - so dilute that they probably didn't contain a single histamine molecule - worked just like histamine. Ennis might not be happy with the homeopaths' claims, but she admits that an effect cannot be ruled out. So how could it happen? Homeopaths prepare their remedies by dissolving things like charcoal, deadly nightshade or spider venom in ethanol, and then diluting this "mother tincture" in water again and again. No matter what the level of dilution, homeopaths claim, the original remedy leaves some kind of imprint on the water molecules. Thus, however dilute the solution becomes, it is still imbued with the properties of the remedy. You can understand why Ennis remains sceptical. And it remains true that no homeopathic remedy has ever been shown to work in a large randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial. But the Belfast study (Inflammation Research, vol 53, p 181) suggests that something is going on. "We are," Ennis says in her paper, "unable to explain our findings and are reporting them to encourage others to investigate this phenomenon." If the results turn out to be real, she says, the implications are profound: we may have to rewrite physics and chemistry. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The reality about the present world in Sadhguru's Words

I understand NOW why YOU say a huge phenomena like Vivekananda's got wasted in a country like India!! Sad to agree... <<thinking>> <<thinking>>...<<thinking>>...... <<thinking>>... Can I do something for this? <<thinking>> <<thinking>>...<<thinking>>...... <<thinking>>... let me see...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New **realization**

This is regarding what I have experienced in the realms of my understanding in the recent days,

Spirituality is not separate from 'what is human'. Spirituality is the door way to the final stages of human evolution. Man thinks that he is done with the process of evolution from a monkey. Having dropped his tail, he is under the illusion that he is the most evolutionary (sophisticated) being on the planet, may be in physical terms but not wrt the human psyche.

However, he is constantly, either consciously or unconsciously or subconsciously, pulled into the process of spiritual realization and each person, according to his current state, thought process, his life experiences and/or his luck factor, reaches his ultimate goal at his own speed.

So, even one reads a lot about spirituality, he is NO GOOD. It is ONLY his intellectual dimension that falls to this and gets CORRUPTED. The other players like the physical body, emotion and the inner energies lose their discretion and cannot develop. This is very dangerous as we tend to confuse ourselves in the path and get hurt many times. I *realized* this fact during the last couple of weeks.

To any person, his TRUE living is to be in constant touch with the inner being and learning from it, not from external sources like books etc. A guru on the other hand, is essential as he knows the DEPTH of the disciple's IGNORANCE and gives him necessary sadhana.

So, the take away is dont believe in books, we dont know if they are teaching us TRUTH. Instead, concentrate on the WORK or swadharma.

After all, WORK is anybody's greatest WORSHIP.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Anna Hazare : "Bring back the BLACK MONEY"

Do you know what will happen if Rs. 1456 Lakh crores (1 456 000 000 000) comes back? The result can be something huge like this...

- India Financially No. 1.
- Each district will get 60000 crores
- Each village will get 100 crores
- No need to pay taxes for next 20 yrs
- Petrol = Rs. 20
- Diesel = Rs. 5
- Milk = Rs. 8 and what not...

No need to participate in this revolution, but just pass this message (through words, FB, TWITTER, mobile MSGs, chat, email..) to your friends and create awareness just as we did it for you.

Pls take this up as a responsibility...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What exactly is Spirituality!?? - True Spirituality!!

What is this actually!?; that which is practiced silently by few, discussed by dozens, ridiculed by the rationalists, opposed by the West and recognized and accepted by the southern and south eastern Asian countries for thousands of years now!! Is this something about believing in something? - something about following a particular way of living or following certain religious practices looking up into the sky or down to the earth, or going to the temple, mosque or church, or something to do with believing in some supernatural power called God!? Does being religious imply being spiritual and vice versa? Is this a science or another kind of blind belief that needs to be followed endlessly? Is a spiritual person lunatic but consistent somehow at what he does!!? Does it direct us in believing the unseen and never before tasted bit of life? Can we grow and evolve spiritually, beyond life and death and if so can't someone proclaim the Ten Commandments to achieve that easily!? Why is it not an obvious thing like some physics laws taught at school? Does the spiritual seeker forsake his loved ones and live in the woods in total renunciation? Can a normal human ever grow to his/her ultimate possibility? Above all is it required for the present day modern person who is so comfortable basking with his technological inventions and looks happy? These are some of the questions that most of us have and striving to find the answers. Let us address them step-by-step fashion.
            Literally, the word spirituality hails from the Latin word spiritus, which means wind or breath - essentially the "essence" of something which is of, related to, consisting of or affecting the spirit or the incorporeal. So, does such a thing exist at all!! According to certain sacred ancient scriptures like the Vedas( sacred knowledge in deep meditativeness), Upanishads( philosophical treatises contributing to the theology of ancient Hinduism, elaborating on the earlier Vedas), Bhagavad-Gita(nectar of divine knowledge), Bible(sacred book of Christianity) and Quran(sacred writings of Islam by Prophet Muhammad) and like, "There is only one God but infinite souls" and that "Human beings should try to consciously realize his true self to reach or become God himself".

It is most evident, if one could look deep within him/herself and observe, that (s)he is not the physical body; clearly because the percentage of what we call as "MYSELF (experience of the self when you utter it)" does not get diminished if we could go on cutting our fingers and limbs. Or this can be properly put as; there is no difference in the amount of "MYSELF" between a handicapped person and a fully healthy, fit and functional person. We also know that the physical body is just what we gathered by the act of eating all through our life. So, can one call something that (s)he had gathered over the years and probably does not relate to him/her if a small part of the body is chopped off truly "HIS/HERSELF"?
                         "We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness.
                                God is the friend of silence.
                                See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence;
                                see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence...
                                We need silence to be able to touch souls."
                                                                        - Mother Teresa  
            With some silent observation, the answer is an obvious "No!!", though one might hesitate a bit at the first moment. The same holds good even for the physical mind. One might be very much under the impression that '(S)He is the mind'! But looking at the medical cases where a patient's brain is neurologically dead (coma) but still is alive, one again has to conclude that (s)he is indeed not the physical mind either. For further investigations, one can refer to the NatGeo's documentary on "Moment of Death". One such incident is when a person, who is being operated eyes-closed and properly anesthetized, could clearly experience what the surgeons are doing with his very body. He even could describe the doctor's shoes after the operation.

Upon further probing and if one is truly willing enough, he might conclude that he is the soul and that it cannot be destroyed nor perished!! Even with what Einstein has proposed with E = mc2 it is the same thing; that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be transferred from one form to the other. However, this energy called soul (or sometimes referred to as Psyche) is described as a more subtler form and has the capability to hold some knowledge withholding capability and that is called "consciousness". This is one reason on why few people could, though in some rare cases, relate to their past lives.
                            "You have to grow from the inside out.
                                   None can teach you, none can make you spiritual.
                                   There is no other teacher but your own soul."
                                                                                    - Swami Vivekananda

                                   "Why human birth is considered so valuable is
                                   mainly because only as a human being you can
                                   use your discrimination and act consciously."
                                                                                    - Sadhguru
            This is the case with all the creatures in the universe!! However, it is the human race alone which is given the precious gift of self realization capability. The moment human race started using only the two lower limbs and stand straight with his spine up something enormous happened to man and he started thinking about things going around him and started acting in an intelligent manner. Spinal cord is an important thing for the evolution of man’s brain. Darwin's evolution theory also supports this. Now that man can think, he has the biggest possibility that he can grow to a level where his true identity can be experienced and realized. Yes then why cannot a normal man achieve it at his will!? It's because he is brought up only relying on his five senses (seeing, tasting, hearing, smelling and touching) which have been used constantly to work outward and in a restless manner making the brain even more anxious. Never did they get a chance or idea to do something which can help them turn inwards and touch their sixth dimension. And here comes the techniques of Yoga and Meditation to explore this dimension!!
                         "You can enter yoga, or the path of yoga, only when
                                you are totally frustrated with your own mind as it is.
                                If you are still hoping that you can gain something
                                through your mind, yoga is not for you."
                                                                        - Osho  
                                "Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind."
                                                                        - Patanjali (Father of Yoga)
            People who get enlightened about who they actually are, out of their love and compassion to their fellow followers, came up with certain daily practices which could enable and open up doors for their self-realization. Hence, a set of practices started. Thus is the advent of the world's infamous religions. But again, with spirituality, it is not something that is most obvious from these religious practices or rituals that man can realize his true self; it is the essence of these teachings and his own inner experiences that matter a lot! So, naturally, as days passed by, many keep following the rituals without themselves totally knowing why they do certain things. The generations that follow totally miss the essence and this has caused a multitude of other problems like religious fights, disasters and like. From then on, people fight for their beliefs leaving behind their human nature. This happened and happens with all the religions without any exception with time if proper awareness is missing.  
                         "If the concept of God has any validity or any use,
                                it can only be to make us larger, freer, and more loving.
                                If God cannot do this, then it is time we got rid of Him."
                                                                           - James Baldwin                                       
                                "Men will wrangle for religion;
                                write for it;
                                fight for it;
                                die for it; anything but live for it."
                                                                        - CC Colton
            So, being religious need not imply that the seeker is essentially spiritual. However, being spiritual need not necessarily take it granted for being religious as well. Spirituality is a constant "total awareness" of the situations going around us all the time and acting according to what best fits into that situation. There is no thumb rule to define how a person should act and what a person ought to do. It all happens instantaneously but with utmost attention and consciousness. It gives the real courage to face the world. It is about being strongly rooted in the present - not the glories or debacles of past or the future!

                           "Socrates:        There's never nothing going on.
                                                  There are no ordinary moments."
                                                                        - Peaceful Warrior (Movie, 2006)
            Spirituality is being sincere, truthful and virtuous; not serious, selfish and materialistic! It is being happy and blissful ever and at all conditions of life; not getting carried away by the situations around!! It's about caring and compassionate for all beings around us! It is acting with responsibility, sensitivity and being patient!! It is neither about detachment nor indulging into worldly things; it is to transcend the physical limitations!!

                                  “Socrates:        You practice gymnastics,       
                      I practice everything!”
                                                                 - Peaceful Warrior (Movie, 2006)

It is about playfully getting involved in each and every aspect of life, but at the same time not getting identified with something that they do or belongs to! A spiritual person need not leave his family; rather take up the responsibilities gracefully and fight like a warrior but at full peace!! It is acting beyond the likes and dislikes!! It gives the way to live life in its entirety in all the dimensions that one could ever imagine about!!
                           "Spiritual process is not a philosophy;
           it is a method to live your life totally."
                                                                        - Sadhguru
                         "Spirituality does not mean going away from life.
                                Spirituality means becoming alive in the fullest
                                possible way so you are not just alive on the surface,
                                you are alive to the core"
                                                                        - Sadhguru                                  

            This is the actual truth that the enlightened often spoke about!! For a modern person, it might seem not very obvious to be spiritual at the moment. But, (s)he should dig deeper within him/herself whenever possible to see if (s)he is really satisfied and happy from within! The experience is left to the person itself on how (s)he sees and handles the subject! But otherwise, only when individual persons, communities, regions, villages, cities, states, governments and thus the nations get into spirituality all life happens the way it should without any bias towards caste, creed or social status and it is for that moment that our forefathers looked for and each modern person should strive and long for!! Then not only India, even the most under developed nation will become a super power. May everyone realize this!!

Dedicated to my Guru – Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, a true spiritual leader I have ever known in the modern age!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Time to pay our respects and homage instead of silly banter

A devotee in London had printed an image of Baba’s “farewell” namaskar, framed it and placed it in Swami’s chair. Recently, during a Birthday celebration the photo was blessed with vibhuti – confirming to them that Baba may have left his physical form but will ALWAYS be around and protect every one. Source http://www.saibabaofindia.com
Recently, there has been a lot of hue and cry by many Rationalists around in our own country started passing out comments on Sathya Sai Baba's glory. Since my childhood, I have been listening about Him but never did I get a chance to visit him personally. However, I have seen some miracles in my own family and in the families of my close friends and those whom my closed-ones knew of. So, thought of answering some of the so-called Rationalists and plead them to maintain silence for such a Person who is now no more anyways!

Before pointing out flaws in Sathya Sai Baba, let us all (seriously) go through some facts:
  • His mission was amplified in a letter he wrote to his brother in 1947 at the age of 20. Dr. Gokak's essay, An Historic Letter of Baba (in Golden Age, Kingdom of Sathya Sai, Brindavan, India, 1979, pp. 1-9)
    . . .
    I have a task, he said, To foster all mankind and ensure for all of them lives full of bliss. I have a vow: To lead all who stray away from the straight path again into goodness and save them. I am attached to a work that I love: To remove the sufferings of the poor and grant them what they lack.
    . . .

    I will not give up my mission, nor my determination. I know I will carry them out. I treat the honor and dishonor, the fame and blame that may be the consequence, with equal equanimity. Internally, I am unconcerned. I act but in the outer world; I talk and move about for the sake of the outer world and for announcing my coming to the people; else, I have no concern even with these.
    . . .

    I do not belong to any place; I am not attached to any name. I have no "mine" or "thine". I answer whatever the name you use. I go wherever I am taken. This is my very first vow. I have not disclosed this to anyone so far. For me, the world is something afar, apart. I act and move only for the sake of mankind.
    No one can comprehend my glory, whoever he is, whatever his method of enquiry, however long his attempt.

  • The famous Blitz interview September 1976 by Senior Editor, Sri R.K. Karanjia (finest investigative and fearless journalist of yesteryears; one must read this interview for a better understanding of Sai Baba)
    . . .
    So these are not siddhic powers or magical tricks, as your critics suggest?

    Baba: They are neither magical tricks nor siddhic (occult) powers, which can come to everybody with the appropriate discipline and yoga exercises, but My powers to protect, heal and save people and materialize objects originate in God and can be used only by an Avathar. They are in no way designed, disciplined or developed, but flow from cosmic power.
    . . .

    R.K.Karanjia: Thank you, Swamiji. I am all the more grateful to you because I really did not expect you to answer the whole long list of my questions.

  • Beyond these, there are countless number of devotees who sought His shelter and grace and experienced many miracles ranging from simple materialization of Vibhuti, trinkets etc to more complex and uncomprehensible healings and curings in India and abroad. Many more have personally and scientifically experienced His Aura spread through out the Prashanthi Nilayam and far. (The Internet is a better place for many such instances). What science can the so-called rationalists think of to explain such happenings except to fake them out?

  • Most importantly of all, who would be generous enough to channelize enormous funds for education, water, food, health and peace purposes selflessly? One has to at least see His sincere efforts to the development of humanity. Who else would have such a magnitude to draw international funds from across above 150 - 170 countries throughout the world. One has to note carefully the qualifications of people in his Trust and those who had experiences. They are not normal people. In fact they are the former government servants - CJI, IAS and top cricketers and the like. This isn't a normal thing. 
Above all, such sort of baseless and silly badinage on a person who is no more is not fair and intolerable. Accept and praise if you can; else please maintain silence on His works.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Physics Simulations make a difference in learning

There are many Physics concepts which are still very unclear to me till date. But, thanks to graphics and modeling people who have come up with many simple simulations to make us understand the concepts better. One such community is the PhET.

About PhET:
PhET provides fun, interactive, research-based simulations of physical phenomena for free. To help students visually comprehend concepts, PhET simulations animate what is invisible to the eye through the use of graphics and intuitive controls such as click-and-drag manipulation, sliders and radio buttons. In order to further encourage quantitative exploration, the simulations also offer measurement instruments including rulers, stop-watches, voltmeters and thermometers. As the user manipulates these interactive tools, responses are immediately animated thus effectively illustrating cause-and-effect relationships as well as multiple linked representations (motion of the objects, graphs, number readouts, etc.)

All PhET simulations are freely available from the PhET website and are easy to use and incorporate into the classroom. They are written in Java and Flash, and can be run using a standard web browser as long as Flash and Java are installed.

One of the Funder is National Science Foundation.

Demo Time:

You should have latest version of Java enabled in your browser.

Try your Hand
Try these out

  1. Electromagnetism and Faraday's e-Lab: https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/faraday/faraday_en.jnlp
  2. Play with ePlanets.You will appreciate the precision of this universe-city!! Change the Velocity, Angle etc and check it out: https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/my-solar-system/my-solar-system_en.html
  3. John Tra-voltage. Real Fun. I get these now and then!: https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/travoltage/travoltage_en.jnlp
  4. And many more. Check them out yourself.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Interesting videos on Science and Spirituality

  • Play the video and listen carefully at 1:30 - 1:40 time stamps of the video. The author talks about "..a frequency shift according to the Fibonacci series. Be prepared for 2012 December 12, when it touches the 13 cycles per second mark..".
  • "Human heart has the ability to heal you based on your belief. One's physical atoms realign in the right order to bring this change and the radiance of such a healing power spreads out and can influence the outer world as well. This is what has been said by saints and spiritual masters across the world!!"

    "One day when the entire world realizes this power of heart, it is a better world to live." Yes - I think so. What do you think?

Monday, February 21, 2011

A nice carnatic song - Raaga sudha rasaaa..

Language: Telugu
rAga sudhArasa pAnamu jEsi rAjillavE manasA
yAga yOga tyAga bhOga phala mosangE
sadAshiva mayamagu nAdOnkAra svara vidulu jIvan muktulani tyAgarAju teliyu

Drinking the ever tasteful essence of raaga, why don't you rejoice, O mind! It gives the fruit of ritual, meditation (union), sacrifice, and enjoyment all together! As known to Tyagaraja, the jeevan muktas are those who enjoy the melody that is the glorious form of SadAshiva, that is the sound of tuneful Omkara.